Tuesday, January 27, 2009

me gusta festejar, todos los noches

January 27, 2009
I love my dorm. I walk in and am always greeted with big smiles and kind “holas” or “que tal” (how are you) or anything else that is friendly and genuinely nice. They are just as excited about Americans as we are about being here. A few of the girls I have gotten to know better in the dorm (during meals mostly, right now they are all studying because this week and next week are finals weeks for them) are Pilar, Lorrena, Annabelle, y Susanna. There are only four boys, but I know Ahmed and Antonio. I think Antonio is sort of like the “playboy” of the dorm. He is very attractive and dresses sort of like your typical American prep/frat boy. Ahmed is cute, but in a different way. The girls tease him and whenever he talks and I don’t understand (most of the time), they will look at me, out of his site, and do the motion for “he is crazy” (finger circling by their head). I think he is what would be considered a “nerd” in America because he is super smart and I think he is usually talking about his studies and smart people things and that is why the girls tease him and basically tell me to just ignore him (sad!). He really likes us American girls and was the first to greet us, and of course kiss us (both cheeks, surprisingly pretty easy to get use to. Shaking hands is basically non-existent) when we arrived the first night.
They are all so nice. Many have offered to do things with us . Lorrena wants to take us somewhere in the morning where you sit and here live music and apparently it has a really nice view. Pilar wants to take us out to party this Friday, I can’t wait!
Last night my friends and I went out. We drank some wine in our room first (3 bottles, 12 euro total, pretty great and actually sort of expensive. We are in search of the 1 euro wine; we pray that that day will come sooner rather than later!) and then went in search of a bar. Sadly, with everyone studying for finals, and half the population of Granada being students, not many people were out. We got recruited to come into a bar (this is apparently very typical/common because everywhere this has happened) and were given free shots, per usual (TERRY, that was for you). We then had some sangria and beer for 1 euro a piece and met some creepy-ish Spanish men ranging in age from about 30 to 40. They followed us to the next place we went, without being asked or told; if that helps you define creepy. The place we went was a HUGE and very nice discotecha (club). It had couches and tables and booth areas and a huge dance floor and dj. There were only about 20 people there, maybe less, but on a Friday or Saturday night it will be so much fun to go to, especially with our new Spanish friends. We danced and partied there until about 4:30 A.M. Grayson, Christina and I spent a lot of time dancing on raised platforms, and the creepy men spent a lot of time trying to get up on them with us (we would get off every time they got on, so this proved to be very hard for them).
On our walk home we found a kebob place that was open all night (this will definitely become my new 5 am hangout). Kebobs look like a Pita Pit to me. I haven’t tried one yet, but they look good. Christina and I ordered hamburgers and they were INCREDIBLE, no regrets. Grayson, who is a vegetarian, ordered falafel which I have never heard of, but she liked hers as well. We walked home from there and finally got to sleep around 5 or 5:30 I think. We had to meet with API this morning at 11 (Molly didn’t quite make it) so right now I am exhausted and running on no sleep (I just ate lunch, it’s almost 3:30 here, my roomie is napping and we have to go to our language refresher class for 3 hour starting at 4. KILL ME.) I will definitely not be partying tonight, so hopefully I will get some shopping done tomorrow.
Picture are really flaky to load on here, and my Facebook is still rejecting my albums, but I will keep trying!

P.S. How is Lost? How is The Office? Desperates? These are so hard to live without.

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